Kentucky Association of Health Care Facilities
Kentucky Association of Health Care Facilities
Kentucky Center for Assisted Living

Betsy Johnson

Responsible for the overall executive management of the Association and is the primary spokesperson for KAHCF. Serves as the president of the Association’s subsidiary, Statewide Insurance Services.  As president of the association, she staffs the Board of Directors.
 Wayne Johnson 

Bruce Linder

Executive Vice President
Reports directly to President of the Association. Assists President in overall management and operations of Association. Responsible for improving the legislative and regulatory environment for Association’s members. Staffs the Legislative Committee, Political Action Committee, Human Resource Committee, and Personal Care Committee.
Wayne Johnson

Wayne Johnson

Vice President of Finance, Chief Financial Officer 
Reports directly to President of the Association.  Responsible for Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial and private pay facility reimbursement issues. Staffs the Reimbursement Committee and Billing Work Group, and is the staff contact for the Kentucky Health Care Foundation.  Provides education of reimbursement topics to select groups.  Oversees the Finance Group responsible for the financial management of the Association. You can contact Wayne at (502) 425-5000, ext. 303.
Angela Porter

Angela Porter

Vice President of Education and Public Affairs 
Responsible for planning KAHCF’s Annual Meeting and Quality Summit and other educational seminars, and coordinates the vendor Expo. Staffs the Education Committee and the Kentucky Council for Activity and Social Services Professionals (KCASSP). Oversees the Education, Public Affairs and Member Services group which ensures members receive top educational opportunities, member communications and member services. Contact Angela at (502) 425-5000, ext. 306. 
Janet Justice

Ashlea Christiansen

Director of Regulatory Affairs
Responsible for reviewing, addressing and communicating relevant state and federal regulatory and compliance requirements and related issues impacting members.  Coordinates and staffs meetings with state regulatory and compliance agencies to address member concerns or elicit survey and regulatory clarifications or changes.  Provides education on survey and enforcement to select member groups.  Staffs the Survey & Regulatory Committee, the Kentucky Association of Directors of Nursing Administrators (KADONA) and the Medicaid Resource Utilization Group (RUGS) task force. Contact Ashlea at (502) 425-5000, ext. 314. 

Mallory Wafzig

Director of Member Services
Responsible for all aspects of KAHCF and KCAL Membership and coordinates the KAHCF/KCAL Expo in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. Staffs the Membership and Vendor Committees and serves as liaison to the KCAL Board of Directors. Contact (502) 425-5000, ext. 307. 

Emily Stines 

Director of Communications and Digital Marketing
Contact (502) 425-5000, ext. 308. 

Statewide Insurance Services

Karen H. Bass

Karen H. Bass

Controller and Office Manager
Responsible for maintaining the accounting records for KAHCF, SIS, and KHCF and prepare financial   statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Responsible for all HR and Office Operations.  Assists VP of Finance on Reimbursement Projects. Staffs the KAHCF Finance Committee. Contact Karen at (502) 425-5000, ext. 305. 
Sharon Netherton

Sharon Netherton

Staff Accountant
Assists VP of Finance on issues related to facility reimbursement. Responsible for maintaining the accounts payable and receivable records. Assists Controller in preparation of financial statements. Contact Sharon at (502) 425-5000, ext. 302.